Adventures in Everyday Life

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Posts Tagged ‘Life

Too still a life

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Written by parcalto

April 4, 2011 at 12:40

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What was that?

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When I had a Zanga I would start every post with, “Hello.” Also, this is going to seem a little schizophrenic.

I’ve had this blog for a couple years, and certainly it met it’s goal of documenting my growth as a game artist while in school. Now, however, the intent seems trite and irrelevant as I float in the after-college doldrums of indirection. Do I want to make games? Yes. Do I want to play bass in a killer band? Yes. Do I want to become a teacher? Yes. Do I want to travel? Yes. And so on, and so on.

Ranking these passions, as well as every other hobby and pleasure, seems pointless in this medium so I’ll skip it. I only wanted to bring up the above for the sake of saying that as flightless as these crossroads have left me, I’m not terribly upset about where I am. Sure I’d love a kick ass job doing something I love, but I love so much I could be just as happy or angry doing any number of things. What’s truly at stake in all this is financial stability, and my own future with the woman I’ve fallen quite in love with. So if you have a job that needs some serious execution (and to quote, “I execute shit like shit’s a mass murderer in Texas”), and you think I can fit the bill, drop me a line.

Why do I write on here anymore? Is a personal life interesting enough to post anywhere on the internet? In a sea of bad blogs and whiny, blind, lonely internet whores does what anyone say matter anymore?

Screw it. This blog is what it is, and will be what it will be. You’re welcome to come along for the ride, but don’t except anything amazing or consistent. We are now entering a blog-apathy zone.

Written by parcalto

March 3, 2010 at 11:22

Posted in General

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